Free Math Games For 4th Graders

Providing students with fun math games is one way to ensure they don’t feel intimidated or frustrated by the subject. Having a variety of free math games can help fourth graders engage with the subject while developing their skills and fact fluency.

Coolmath-Games has a wide variety of games for elementary students. They focus on topics like fractions, place value, multiplication and more.

Division with Remainders

Division with Remainders is one of the most important skills for 4th graders to master. It is a crucial skill that they will need to be able to use throughout their education, and it has many real-world applications.

Whether they’re sharing doughnuts between friends, or giving a group of tickets to a raffle, students will need to know how to properly calculate their numbers. They need to be able to understand division with remainders so they can solve these problems and determine their answer.

To help your students master the math skills required for division with remainders, check out these fun games. These games will not only keep your students engaged, but they’ll also be sure to reinforce their understanding of the skills they are learning!


Fractions are a great way to teach kids about division. They can also practice comparing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, and even converting mixed and improper fractions!

Equivalent fractions are a little tricky for some children, but they can be made easier by hands-on learning and repeated exposure. Try a game like Oh No, Fraction Man or Fraction Puzzles!

In this fun math game, students take turns rolling a die. Each time, they must find a model that is equivalent to the fraction they rolled.

When they see one, they cover it with a game marker. When all pictures are secured, the game ends.

You can use a simple set of game markers or repurpose a Connect Four set. This is a great activity to review fractions with your students and have them practice strategies like match-ups.

Place Value

In grade 4, children start to learn about multi-digit whole numbers and place value. This is a much more abstract concept than number correspondence, and it’s harder for young minds to grasp.

Fortunately, there are lots of fun place value games for 4th graders that you can play to help your students master this important skill. Some of them are even free!

For example, Place Value Review Math Mystery is a fun way to review place value skills. Kids translate numbers from standard form to expanded form in order to solve each riddle.

Another great place value activity is to use base ten blocks. This is an excellent way to show your child that every digit in a number represents a different place value. It’s also a great way to practice place value skills with a hands-on, multisensory approach.


Multiplication is one of the most basic math concepts for students to learn. It helps kids gain confidence with arithmetic calculations, while helping them develop a solid understanding of place value and counting money.

For kids who need a little extra support with this topic, try a game that encourages them to visualize multiplication expressions mentally. It also gives them a fun way to review their skills without the need for a teacher’s aid.

Give each student a card with a number on it and have them line up in order to form a grid of numbers. This can be a great way to get fourth graders started with multiplication.

This simple mental math game requires no resources, and is perfect for whole-class practice. It’s easy to adapt to any topic and is an excellent way to gauge students’ knowledge of math facts.