Kindergarten Math Games

Kindergarten math games are a great way to teach children essential math skills in a fun and engaging way. They’re also a great way to alleviate some of the stress that comes with rote mathematical practice, which can be a big hurdle for kids.

These fun math games will teach children everything from number sense to counting, addition, subtraction, measurement, and geometry. All in a safe environment, without the pressure of a worksheet or grade!


Counting is one of the first mathematical skills students learn in kindergarten. It is important because it helps them understand how numbers work and how to use them later in math.

During the learning process, children are introduced to many different counting concepts, including stable order and cardinality. They also learn the names for numbers, how to recite them in their proper order, and how to count with one-to-one correspondence.

Counting games are a great way to reinforce these concepts with young learners. They are fun, engaging, and help build confidence in math!


Kindergarten is the perfect time to introduce your child to basic math concepts. It is a great time to teach them about addition and subtraction through fun games!

When a child is learning about addition, they will be familiar with numbers from 0-20. They will also be able to use different strategies to add.

Using these skills, they will be able to solve more complicated problems in the future. Whether they are adding large amounts of money, adding items in a grocery store, or estimating sums, the concept of addition will be a part of their daily lives.

Addition is one of the most important math skills for children to learn. It is a critical step in learning other arithmetic operations such as multiplication and division.


Subtraction is a foundational skill that kids must master in order to succeed at math. Kindergarten is the perfect time to introduce your students to this critical concept and help them build their confidence in math.

With these fun subtraction games for kindergarten, you can get your students thinking about subtracting in a variety of ways. Engaging manipulatives bring the concept to life, while colorful puzzles and quizzes sharpen their skills as they play!

For a simple yet engaging activity, create a cave on your table by cutting a U-shaped hole in a paper bowl. Have your kids cover a select number of bear counters with the cave, then count and solve to see how many are left.


Geometry is one of the oldest branches of mathematics, and it’s important for kindergarteners to build a strong understanding of shapes. They will need to be able to identify 2D and 3D shapes, complete patterns, and fit shapes together to create new forms.

Children also need to understand symmetry. This can be taught at a very young age using paper shapes.

Then, challenge students to fold the shapes and see which ones have lines of symmetry.

This is a great way to get kids thinking about geometric patterns. It’s an important foundational concept that can help students with critical thinking and analysis, too!


Measurement is a skill that kindergartners need to master in order to be successful in math. This includes learning how to recognize shapes, tell time and take measurements.

One way to help kids practice measurement is by using a scale. Have them weigh objects that are around the room, like an eraser.

Another fun way to practice measurement is by comparing different objects. For example, you can have kids compare cups and see which holds more.

If you’re looking for a fun way to teach your kids about measuring, there are many great kindergarten games that focus on this topic. These games are easy to implement and will help your students learn the basics of measurement. They will also be able to apply this knowledge in their daily lives.